Exens Solutions

We design and manufacture microwave components and systems, which are qualified and embedded in major industrial programs worldwide for space, defense, medical and telecommunications markets.


  • We work with major national and international players in the space, defense, medical and telecommunications sectors.
  • We take part in the new challenges of the future by imagining more integrated, lighter and more cost-effective solutions.
  • We contribute to human progress on earth and in space by improving signal quality, reliability and performance.


ISO certificate
ISO certificate
CSR Commitment Charter
Production certificate
Certificate of qualification
ESA N°286G & N°225K


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🎇 A great team-building day at Domaine de la Beauvoisière On Thursday 23 January, we had the pleasure of holding our first cohesion day of the year at the Domaine de la Beauvoisière in Avrainville. This event was an opportunity for our Management to look back on the company's results in 2024 and to present the ambitious objectives for 2025. After this presentation, all the employees gathered around a lunch buffet, thus promoting moments of conviviality and good humor. 😊 We would like to warmly thank all participants for their presence and commitment! #Cohesion #Qvt #Objectifs2025 #GoodHumor 🎇 Une belle Journée de Cohésion au Domaine de la Beauvoisière Le jeudi 23 janvier, nous avons eu le plaisir de tenir notre première journée de cohésion de l'année au Domaine de la Beauvoisière à Avrainville. Cet événement a été l'occasion pour notre Direction de revenir sur le bilan de l'entreprise en 2024 et de présenter les objectifs ambitieux pour 2025. Après cette présentation, tous les employés se sont réunis autour d'un buffet déjeunatoire, favorisant ainsi des moments de convivialité et de bonne humeur. 😊 Nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement tous les participants pour leur présence et leur engagement ! #Cohésion #Qvt #Objectifs2025 #BonneHumeur
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EXENS SOLUTIONS: an innovation publication will be presented at #RWW2025 👍 Exens Solutions is proud to announce that Maxime LE GALL, PhD student at Gradignan, has been selected to publish and present a paper entitled “AFSIW Filter with Tunable Complementary Split Ring Resonators”, at the upcoming #IEEE Radio & Wireless Week conference (RWW2025) to be held January 19-22 in San Juan - Puerto Rico. This paper introduces a new #filter topology using AFSIW technology. It offers an innovative method for generating transmission zeros, with the special feature that they can be independently and precisely frequency adjusted. Exens Solutions lends its full support to Maxime, and is confident that he will embody company's colors with pride! 👏 #AFSIW #RWW2025 #universitedebordeaux #innovation
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🎇 Best wishes for 2025 ✨ We are wishing you a happy and healthy new year with exciting new projects. #NewYearGreetings #Welcome2025 #BusinessSuccess #
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Les collaborateurs d’Exens Solutions à l'honneur ! 👍 Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer le lancement de notre nouveau site Carrières réalisé en collaboration avec HelloWork . En coulisses : prise de vues et tournage vidéos pour vous faire découvrir des expériences immersive et inspirante. Rendez-vous dès maintenant sur https://lnkd.in/e4hXxsKy pour postuler et rejoindre notre aventure ! 🚀 #marqueemployeur #carrières #recrutement #opportunités # #radiofrequence #hyperfréquence #spatial #médical #défense # #télécommunication # Exens Solutions employees in the spotlight! 👍 We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Careers site in collaboration with Hellowork. Behind the scenes: shooting and video footage to make you discover immersive and inspiring experiences. Please visit  https://lnkd.in/e4hXxsKy now to apply and join our adventure! 🚀
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